utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | lip 16, 2014 | DIY/ Zrób to sama!, Tutorial/ samouczek
Hi Everyone! It’s official- IT’S SUMMER TIME!!! <3 Because of that I have some tips for you guys, how to pack your suitcase... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | lip 16, 2014 | DIY/ Zrób to sama!, Tutorial/ samouczek
Witajcie! Możemy oficjalnie powiedzieć: MAMY LATO !!! <3 Razem z nim, wakacje! Dziś mam dla was bardzo przydatny post, jak spakować NIEZBĘDNIKI do walizki. No... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | gru 3, 2013 | Inspirations, Zasady mody
In Poland we have very cold winter, but also beautiful gold fall season! Down below I have for you outfit inspiration. My favorite mustard trench blended perfectly with fall leaves. Mustard color it’s quite specific. The best colors to match: cream, tan, brown,... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | paź 18, 2013 | Eventy modowe, Inspirations
WELCOME! :* Like oversize clothes? Yes?… remember one main rule! Baggy bottom= tight top. Baggy top= Skinny bottom <3 Want your legs to look skinnier and longer in leggings? Put on some heels! It always works <3 Take a look at the pictures down below to... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | paź 11, 2013 | Inspirations
WELCOME ! First day of our stay in North Cyprus and first outfit! How I’m putting my outfits together ? Mostly choose one crucial piece of clothing that I want to wear, then choose rest to complete the look . This time the choice was: the army, moro jacket !...