utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | lip 16, 2014 | DIY/ Zrób to sama!, Tutorial/ samouczek
Hi Everyone! It’s official- IT’S SUMMER TIME!!! <3 Because of that I have some tips for you guys, how to pack your suitcase... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | lip 16, 2014 | DIY/ Zrób to sama!, Tutorial/ samouczek
Witajcie! Możemy oficjalnie powiedzieć: MAMY LATO !!! <3 Razem z nim, wakacje! Dziś mam dla was bardzo przydatny post, jak spakować NIEZBĘDNIKI do walizki. No... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | paź 15, 2013 | Inspirations
HELLO!!! I can’t think about holidays without beach and SUN!!! This time, thanks to the KAZAR company, I had a chance to be on the „real” holidays, where all the luxuries were to draw of my hand. This outfit is a bit chick & etno at the same... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | paź 14, 2013 | Inspirations
WELCOME!!! :* At the first day of our stay in Cyprus, I said to Michael „Can you see this dome? It would be amazing to take pictures there with this view” Then I started to make some actions, asking managers ” Is any acces there? Can we get on the... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | paź 12, 2013 | Inspirations
WELCOME! Leopard print – First association makes me think of ” less elite ” version of this trend in the 80 – 90’s I must admit that I said NO to clothes with this print for a long time. However, over time I began with the purchase of a...