utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | maj 4, 2013 | Inspirations, Seasonal MUST HAVE, Zasady mody
PL wersja pod wersją EN! HELLO to my beautiful friends!!! I was off for a while because A LOT happened in my life, but I’m hoping this post… special post! will help me to get back on the right track!! Why so special???… Because this is my first post... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | sty 31, 2013 | Classic MUST HAVE, Inspirations, Seasonal MUST HAVE, Zasady mody
Hello Beauties! WHITES is a big trend every summer… Is this seasonal trend or classic must have? Fashion Solutions- I would say BOTH! Why? FS- Because WHITE as a „colour” is a big trend each summer… but texture and shapes are changing every... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | sty 17, 2013 | Classic MUST HAVE, Zasady mody
Hi Darlings!!! Classic means timeless!!! means: MUST HAVE!!! That’s the name of new Category I’m going to start write about! Personally I separate this category to two different types of „Must have” things… Seasonal MUST HAVE- are those... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | gru 17, 2012 | Inspirations
Hello Everyone!!! :* It’s only one week left to Christmas!!! I still can’t believe it! Today I prepared for you some ideas what to wear for this special time of the year. Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year! Love to spend this time with family and... utworzone przez Joanna Przybylska | lis 21, 2012 | News/ Wiadomości
Welcome to Fashion Solutions blog! This blog is not one of many other, the same blogs about fashion. You will find some info about new trends, what inspires me… But the main conception will be helping you to find yourself in all those details which are a nightmare for...