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black dress | Joanna Przybylska

Cyprus- afternoon tea

Welcome! :* I’ve always been a faithful fan of simple elegance. Today, to add a touch of contrast I choose yellow jacket. That’s what seems to me a real classic, simple and with Grace Step. To emphasize the simplicity of my styling, I chose nude heels,...

Innocent nature & CONSCIOUS by H&M

WELCOME! :* We decided to do a session in the environment of the nature (water, rocks, sand, wind and sun) Decided that the styling will refer just the scenery. Blouse and skirt( elegant version) that I’m wearing in the shade of beige. Which is neutral color...

Innocent nature & CONSCIOUS by H&M

WELCOME! :* We decided to do a session in the environment of the nature (water, rocks, sand, wind and sun) Decided that the styling will refer just the scenery. Blouse and skirt( elegant version) that I’m wearing in the shade of beige. Which is neutral color...

Cyprus- relaxing afternoon

WELCOME! ;* You probably recognize this shirt from the previous post: Cyprus – Beach outfit in vintage clothes. Today I have for you a more elegant alternative. From connection the same shirt, that lent itself to the outputs that require from us to cover more of...