
The best way to smuggle the seasonal trend but not overwhelmed our styling? Combine it with the classics! The following styling in the classic role plays coat with classic lapels and an ideal length! <3 The role of the prevalent trend plays both bag plum colored and boots over the knee. As we see on the streets and in fashion magazines – they led by the leaders. But how to wear them, not to look like ladies of easy virtue, or simply „cheap”? My advice / solution is simple. Just wear a long coat that will give the entire class styling and toe boots! Coat is left unfastened, and opaque tights will keep the continuity of the entire leg. Hat <3 emphasizes elegance styling. As you can see, you do not need to dress but the dress and match current trends from head to always look interesting and eye-catching positively eye

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Coat- ZARA

Dress- Mohito

Scarf- ZARA

Hat- H&M

Bag- Mohito

Boots- Mohito
