Apparently we are gaining weight after the holidays … Well this year I am the exception of normy- gaining weight before … Well, after Christmas I will continue
And quite seriously, I leave you with the last post this year Someone threw me The amendment slower pace, after all these crazy months, well excuse me dear but I have a very demanding customer, over which I have to exercise custody of 24/7 it proved to be a very „strong” warrior „who ran marathons with me on pins and needles,” but give him a little time to breathe.
2 tyg.- 4 weeks, I waited anxiously for the date of 1 December. However, I’m afraid, as long as I enjoy the „free time just for yourself.” May I not crazy without you after 2 weeks! : D plans? Read a lot of books that lie even a year to find a moment to read them! : D Feast is a state of being pregnant. Have time to take refleksji- this probably now need most. Time to think things / summarize … plan! Then of course come back to you with a new dose of ideas and strength to act! I would forget the most important thing … not roztyć over the software! : |
I hope you will not forget about me and will wait for the Junior appears in the world and will allow so I can get back to you! Pożyjemy- see For a period of gestation, tested maternity styling, so get ready for another dose after these two, that nothing like maternity clothes available on the market and my tummy was already quite visible during these pictures
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I invite you to read the posts with Christmas!
and NYE:
– In the folder >> makeup by Joanna Przybylska << I added for you a lot of new examples of my work! Just click and komentujcie! Come as soon as you have a moment to fb. The girls will surely be nice!
– I’ll still answer your private messages through the fan page! Please write if you have questions
I wanted to thank you very much:
– For the trust they obdarzyłyście me in the past year <3
– For every smile and a kind word <3
– For each co <3
– The interactions on the fan page <3
– For your return and the <3
– The recognition of <3
– For that you are and it’s on its own, no inalienable right to will! <3
Any person who tried to „spoil my blood,” I would just like to say that the truth always comes out on top. „Competition” (pronounced. Beauty salons) let’s continue talking about me bzdury- they have the opposite effect than intended << >> opinions
Here I leave you with my first session of crunches done … yesterday! Long we had to wait until the belly will be big enough (I’ve never thought that I would wait for the time when my belly will grow!: D) 3majcie fingers crossed for us! Useful without a doubt! : D I’m coming back to you in the first quarter of the new year with a large dose of news! <3
For the upcoming holidays season and the new 2017 years, I wish you:
I have never ceased to fight for herself as a woman.
They meet professionally as men.
Always climb with a level higher than the others want.
They focused on your own happiness and do not envy others.
They worked hard on it what you dream.
They were always loved and appreciated by their men!
They drew strength from small glitches that accompany us every day.
Remember that you are able to give happiness to others only when the same will be happy! <3
PS- As an expectant mother, I’m a total novice when it comes to matters maternal / organizational. I would be very nice as you share with me your advice / experience whichis a MUST have in order to motherhood turned out to be easier than they all say You can do both below and on the fan page under the photograph leading to this entry! We welcome links to specific things! <3
Let also know, what would you want to see on my return! I am happy to prepare you for the topic!
PS2- You can always spy on the private account :